May 31, 2011

Red poppy

I took this picture last Sunday, in my quest to find more flowers to photograph. It's a wild poppy and it doesn't exactly come from my garden, but it is close. I really wanted to find a field of poppies to photograph, I like the wild and summery feeling they bring, but i couldn't find one. I don't think I've seen one of those since childhood. So I had to settle with the few poppies that were growing in the field near my garden.

May 30, 2011

Busy bee

Apple blossoms and a bee doing its job. These are two of the first pictures I ever took with a digital camera. It was during my "blossom mania" time and if you are wandering, yes, I did chase that bee around hoping I could take a good picture of it. But I don't remember if in these two photos it's the same bee or not because I took several pictures of several bees then.
There is something about the second picture that I like. I used a version of it for the month of March in a calendar I made.

May 27, 2011

"Little blue flowers"

Cornflowers. In my language, their name literally means "little blue flowers", which is odd considering most of the flowers in the bunch which were bloomed at the time were either pink or that pale shade of purple you see in the picture above, only a few were truly blue.
Pictures taken this spring in my grandmother's garden.


May 25, 2011


Acacia tree flower. (Who would have thought that rust can be so beautiful in a picture.)
It seems like the trees bloomed over night. The day before I took these pictures there was no sign of the flowers and the next day I was overwhelmed and surprised by the smell. When I looked up, there they were, in full bloom. I love the smell of acacia tree flowers, especially at dusk, when it's so powerful. There's nothing quite like it. No wonder the bees like it and no wonder the honey they make out of it is so good. 

May 23, 2011

Rain drops

Red peony. Picture taken last week. I was so excited it rained that day I could hardly wait for the pouring to finish so I could go and take pictures of the rain drops on the petals. I know I can probably get the same effect by just splashing water on the flower but the colors are always brighter after the rain, nature looks fresher and the light is nice.
As a bonus, if you want to see the whole bush, there's one more picture below.

May 22, 2011


White English Daisy. Pure and simple.


Baby apples. That's how apples look in spring, right after blossoming and before becoming real fruits.
It's one of my older pictures, taken in a late afternoon.

May 21, 2011

"Pink Princess"

Otherwise known as Weigela Florida. Apparently, I didn't have to go far to photograph exotic flowers, just in the neighborhood, in my grandmother's front yard. I didn't know what the shrub was called and my grandma didn't know either, so I had to go digging online. As it seems, it grows in China and Korea. Who would have thought.
I fell in love with this flower not only because it's beautiful, but it also smells heavenly. Somewhat like vanilla, like the cookies my mother bakes for Easter. You just wanna go and eat it.

May 20, 2011


Peach blossom. Picture taken this Easter. I was taking a walk in the garden when I found this lonely peach blossom fallen from the tree. I didn't move it an inch, that's just the way I found it. I love the contrast between the hardness of the ground and the softness and colour of the petals. Some days later I went to see what happened to it. It just transformed into a pink dot.
This is one of my favorite photos of the bunch, I used it as a wallpaper on my computer for a while.

Tear drop

I tore this flower accidentally, last week, while photographing the tulips. I felt sorry for it so I put it on the log you see in the picture. And then I liked the way it looked, like it was crying. Unfortunately, the petals are not that fresh looking, but I hope you like the picture too.

May 19, 2011

Red dots

English daisies. Picture taken some years ago.


I took this picture two or three days ago. I wanted to take photos of the chamomile when I discovered these mushrooms hidden underneath. It wasn't intended but, somehow, out of all the pictures I took that day, I like this one the most.
The mushrooms are most likely poisonous (don't take my word for it, I'm not a botanist) but I don't know why I feel like I'm expecting them to jump out of there any minute and start dancing like in a Disney movie.

Colours through the sky

Light shining through walnut tree leafs. I took this picture last week. It was close to sunset and I just love the natural colors, with green, yellow and orange on the blue background and the way the light filters through the leafs. If you want more, there's another photo below:

May 18, 2011


Pear blossoms. I had a "blossom mania" at the time. It was spring, close to Easter, and all the trees in the orchid were in bloom. It was white and pink everywhere, I couldn't help myself.
This picture is nice as not all the blossoms were fully bloomed so they looked like flower buds. For me, this picture expresses complete pureness.


A blue pansy. On the same series as the "Red" post, this picture was taken at the same time as the one below. The light isn't that good, I was just learning, but I still love it and I do like the perspective.Sadly, this type of pansies don't grow in our garden anymore. I don't know what happened to them so it's good I took pictures when I had the chance.

Edit: I'm adding two other photos to this post because they kind of express the same thing. I took the pictures below yesterday, scrolling through my grandmother's flower garden. She has beautiful pansies, something I don't have in my garden this year. Again, I love the texture, you can feel the softness only looking at the pictures and if someone asks me what my favorite color is, I'll just show them these pictures. I love this type of blue! 
Oh, and I took the second photo intending to use it as a texture for a future project. But I like it as it is, so I'm posting it here.

May 17, 2011


A red tulip. This is one of the first pictures of flowers I took a couple of years ago after getting my camera. I just love the pureness of the colour and the texture of the petals. It almost seems tangible.